Dr. Jafar Paramboor
On the first night of Rabīʿul Awwal, I was cuddling, as usual, my infant before he goes to sleep. Most days, we chitchatted about what he had seen during our routine walk along the pathway near our home, like birds, rain, soil, trees, nests, plants, butterflies, cars, bikes, skies, wind, etc. Since...
The reason for me to start learning the basics of Jawi was that I found something special in the Malay language (Bahasa Melayu) generally and Jawi in particular, which overtook what I observed in other Malay identities. The historical contexts of a language motivate us to contemplate how traditions,...
Let me begin with two scenarios. The first one happened before around eight months in a WhatsApp group created by some Muslim youth to encounter fake news over the internet, especially on Twitter, spreading anti-Muslim propaganda in India as an organized agenda. This was when Majid Majidi’s latest movie,...
The case of psychology is also not different, as Sigmund Freud is always on the tip of our tongue when someone asks us to name a key figure in psychology since he is a ‘scientific’ person to us. We don’t usually remember the fact that he was, as revealed by Thornton (1983) the author of the widely read...
De-Westernization of Education is a Dynamic Stabilism through Ta'dīb: Interview with Prof. Wan Daud, Malaysia
A French convert to Islam, Dr Bruno is an astrophysicist and specialist in galaxy formation and evolution. He has also been listed in the top 500 influential Muslims in the world. Having published more than 140 papers and organised several conferences on science subjects, Bruno also serves as Director...
During an interview session, one of the questions posed to me by the panelist was something related to the current scenario of university education. Specifically, the question came in the form of this statement: ‘It has been said that universities should not be degree mills but centres of knowledge...
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