The controversy surrounding Islamic ethics and modern LGBTQ issues has intensified...
Religions in general and Islam in particular are depicted as antique and primitive...
The process of urbanization and modernization had a great impact on the role and...
The issue of women's voices in front of non-Mahram in Islam has been a source of...
One of the most prevalent arguments critics use to mudsling Islam as misogynistic...
Acquisition of knowledge is sine qua non for all human beings to enable them to...
Due to the decline of extended family, many complications have arisen, and the dire...
Women require men to protect them and men also require women as source of rest and...
Parents play an important role in the formation of children's personalities. When...
The rapid growth of feminism in the Muslim world posed many new questions on the...
Aminah bint Wahb, the mother of the Messenger Muhammad (ﷺ) was a single mother as...
A plethora of problematic gender issues are currently daunting Islamic ideology...
Amina Wadood's work ‘Qur’an and women’; rereading the sacred text from a women’s...
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