Faisal Niyaz Hudawi
In a world that often demands clarity, quick fixes, and visible progress, the Divine narrative invites us into a space of quiet trust and subtle unfolding. The Qur’anic lens doesn’t rush outcomes—it teaches us to walk with certainty even when the road disappears beneath our feet. Today’s reflection...
In a world where success is measured by wealth, influence, and the luxury one can afford, the pursuit of worldly gains has become a dominant obsession. Shelves are filled with books on how to be successful, how to make more money, how to build influence, and how to secure a powerful life. From early...
In just seven short verses, Surah Al-Mā‘ūn delivers a piercing critique of hollow religiosity — the kind that lacks compassion, sincerity, and social responsibility. The Surah opens with a powerful question
In a world often clouded by harshness and haste, this Divine command calls us to return to a forgotten virtue — kindness in speech. Speaking positively is not just good etiquette; it is an act of worship, a form of charity in Islam.
In an age where cosmic science unveils wonders of the universe—black holes, galaxies billions of light-years away, and precision in cosmic orbits
Life often places us at crossroads of uncertainty — decisions are made, events unfold, and we assume the outcomes are final. Yet, Allah’s wisdom transcends our perception, and in His infinite mercy, He can bring about a change, a relief, or a blessing from places we never imagined.
In the fast-paced digital age, where opinions spread at lightning speed and information overload blurs the lines between truth and falsehood, the Qur'an provides a timeless ethical standard
Every moment of our lives is filled with countless blessings from Allah, yet how often do we pause to recognize and appreciate them?
In moments of crisis, when all doors seem closed, and the odds appear insurmountable, what do we turn to? Fear or faith? Despair or reliance on Allah?
Time is one of the greatest blessings given to us by Allah, yet in today's digital age, it is also one of the most easily wasted resources.
The ultimate success on the Day of Judgment will not be based on wealth, status, or lineage, but on the purity of the heart. Allah emphasizes this in the Qur'an:
One of the most reflective lessons in the Qur’an is the command to extend goodness to others, just as Allah has blessed us with His favours.
Life often tests us with moments of waiting - waiting for relief, for answers, for dreams to come true. In these moments, doubts may creep in: Has Allah forgotten me? Why is my dua unanswered? Does He see my struggles?
These powerful words were spoken by Prophet Mūsā (Moses) عليه السلام when he eagerly rushed to meet Allah at Mount Ṭūr. His words embody a deep longing for divine closeness and a sincere pursuit of Allah’s pleasure.
In the age of technology, every click, search, and interaction leaves behind a digital footprint—an unerasable record of one’s activities. Governments, corporations, and AI-driven algorithms track our behaviour, sometimes for marketing, security, or data analysis.
Jabal Uhud maintains an emotional connection with our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Just as the trunk of the palm tree wept from longing for the Prophet, Jabal Uhud, too, held a deep and emotional bond with him. The Prophet (ﷺ) once said, "This is a mountain that loves us, and we love it" (هَذَا جَبَلٌ...
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