55 Years Since the Arson Attack on Masjid Al-Aqsa

As we mark the 55th anniversary of the devastating arson terror attack on Masjid Al-Aqsa, the threats against this sacred site seem more severe than ever. The attack, carried out on August 21, 1969, by the Zionist extremist Denis Michael Rohan, led to the destruction of significant parts of the mosque, including the revered Minbar of Saladin. Over 1,500 square meters of the mosque's area were burned, severely damaging its architectural and spiritual heritage.

The fire, which destroyed a third of Al-Aqsa’s total area, caused extensive damage to its ancient structure. The blaze consumed the southern walls, the pulpit, and much of the mosque's interior, including 48 stained-glass windows, carpets, and ornate decorations. The Israeli authorities at the time claimed the fire was an accident caused by an electrical short circuit, but Arab engineers quickly debunked this, proving it was an intentional act. Despite arresting Rohan, the Israeli authorities soon released him, declaring him mentally unstable, which led to widespread outrage across the Muslim world.

In the aftermath, the Jordanian government took on the responsibility of restoring the mosque, a project that continued until 1986. The iconic Minbar of Saladin, which had been reduced to ashes, was eventually replaced with a new iron pulpit in 2007.

However, the threats to Al-Aqsa did not end with the fire. Since 2003, Israeli settlers have increasingly stormed the mosque, particularly through the Mughrabi Gate, causing daily provocations. The situation has escalated further, with high-profile Israeli officials, including the extremist Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, participating in these incursions. Such actions are part of a broader agenda to alter the status quo of the mosque, potentially leading to its temporal and spatial division, as proposed by some Israeli politicians.

The anniversary of the arson attack is a poignant reminder of the continuous violations against Al-Aqsa and the broader campaign to erase its Islamic identity. The international community is called upon to intervene urgently to protect this World Heritage site from further desecration and to uphold the historical and legal rights of Muslims in Jerusalem.

The Palestinian cause, symbolized by Al-Aqsa, remains a flashpoint for global concern, demanding concerted efforts to prevent further escalation and to preserve the mosque's sanctity for future generations.


The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily mirror Islamonweb’s editorial stance.

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