Subject: ‍ Sheikh Zakariyya Al-Ansari

give me brief biography of shaikh zakariya al ansari

The Questioner

anwar yaseer

May 29, 2024

CODE :Abo13

Sheikh Zakariyya Al-Ansari (824 AH/1421 AD - 926 AH/1520 AD), known as "Sheikh al-Islam," "Zayn al-Din," and "Qadi Zakariyya," was a distinguished Shafi'i jurist, judge, Quranic reciter, hadith scholar, theologian, linguist, and Sufi. Born in the village of Sunaykah in the Sharqiyah province of Egypt, he came from a poor family. He pursued his education at Al-Azhar University, excelling in various Islamic sciences such as Quranic exegesis, hadith, creed, jurisprudence, Sufism, language, and logic. Among his notable teachers were Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Jalal al-Din al-Mahalli, and Muhyi al-Din al-Kafiji.

Sheikh Zakariyya Al-Ansari held several prestigious teaching and administrative positions, including teaching at the Imam Shafi'i mosque, which was considered the highest educational post in Egypt at the time. He was eventually appointed as Chief Judge (Qadi al-Qudat), serving with integrity and frequently advising Sultan Qaytbay against injustice, which led to his removal from the position by Sultan Qansuh al-Ghawri after 20 years due to his boldness in admonishing the Sultan.

Al-Ansari was a prolific author, and his works were widely respected and studied. He authored many important texts, including commentaries on various subjects such as jurisprudence, theology, and Sufism. His notable works include "Fath al-Baqi bi Sharh Alfiyyat al-Iraqi" and "Asna al-Matalib fi Sharh Rawd al-Talib," which became essential references for later Shafi'i scholars like Ibn Hajar al-Haytami and Shams al-Din al-Ramli.

He witnessed the fall of the Mamluk Sultanate and the Ottoman takeover of Egypt. Despite these political changes, he maintained his esteemed position and respect under Ottoman rule. He passed away in Cairo on Wednesday, 3rd Dhu al-Hijjah, 926 AH. His funeral was a significant event, attended by a large number of judges, scholars, and dignitaries, reflecting his high standing in the Islamic scholarly community.

Throughout his life spanning 100 years, Al-Ansari was dedicated to teaching and guiding students, many of whom became prominent scholars in their own right. His legacy is preserved through his numerous writings and the continued reverence of his contributions to Islamic scholarship.